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Peadown Bridge is marked on the 1895 Ordnance Survey map, just to the south of Peadowns Farm, along Peadown Road.


Sandon Brook used to travel north-east passed Fremnell's, possibly feeding in to the moat, through Pandan Wood and under Peadown Road, where it was crossed by the bridge.


It then went north, between Peadowns Farm and Redlands Wood, over a road (marked on the map as a 'ford' and in to West Hanningfield.


A design for ‘Pea-Down Bridge’ can be seen by visiting the Essex Records Office.  It was drawn in 1813, was coloured with water colour paints and is a work of art in its own right.


Pea Down Bridge 1813.png

My poor attempt at reproducing the image of Pea-Down Bridge

Map 02.png
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